Friday, August 17, 2007

Another week of workouts

I quit smoking Jan 1, 2006 and a couple of weeks later started going to the gym every weekday morning (when I'm in town). I've been pretty good about getting up at 6am every day and making it into the gym even though some mornings are tougher than others. So I'm happy on Fridays when I complete another full week of workouts, like I just did today.

I go the University gym, which after an extensive remodeling effort (about $12M worth) a couple of years ago, is pretty decent. Especially in the summer when it's almost empty, like it appears in these pics. Next week when school starts up again, it's going to be much busier.

My workout regimen has a spotty history, and dates back to the Student Rec Center back at Texas A&M pictured here (but I actually tried lifting iron even back at the stuffy old gym at SFU and the employee fitness center at Esso in Calgary while on co-op). I established my routine mainly at TAMU. The history is spotted due to various gaps in time. As soon as I started going to the gym at TAMU (which btw was newly built after a $16M outlay) we had to move. TAMU's facility is quite nice, especially the outdoor pool. Then as soon as I developed a routine at Clemson they shut down the old gym for a year-long renovation. Both disruptions were quite lengthy so this period since 2006 is really the first time that I've been able to hit the gym with any sort of consistency. I now whale on my pecs and shoulders Mon and Thu, biceps/triceps Tue and Fri, and legs and back on Wed. Each day I do situps and end off with either a jog on the treadmill or a ride on the stationary bike. It's a decent routine and I hope I don't get too bored with it too quickly. Bringing along the iPod shuffle really helps. I just wish they had built an outdoor pool here like they did at TAMU. Swimming is one activity I miss that I haven't been able to incorporate just yet.

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