Made it to Prague yesterday, just in time to see my colleague deliver our paper at EuroGraphics. I think he was glad I made it since I was first author. I wasn't sure I'd be able to schedule the flight such that I'd make it there for the talk, particularly since I could only guess at how long it might take for the bus to get there. As it happened, I had to leave Corey with all our luggage at a small table inside the hall where the talk was. EG is at the Czech Technical University, so it's being hosted in a typical European university building, in this case full of conference attendees and Czech students milling about. So not the best place for Corey to be sitting there, particularly with a nasty cold she caught in Leicester. However, she sat there patiently as I attended to business. The talk was delivered very well, better I think than what I would have done since it provided much more context for the project at hand. I did manage to field two questions from the audience, so it's a good thing I was there.
After the talk I got Corey and we dragged all our stuff down to the metro station and made our way to the hotel. Had dinner at a nice Czech place and then I left Core in the room while I went back to the conference to attend the poster beer party. I got there late so I didn't get a chance to look at the posters, but I did have time to grab a few of the beers they were serving (open bar). I found a really tasty one pronounced like "Kelt" but I don't know how they spell it in Czech. It's similar to Guinness, but may be a bit creamier with a stronger coffee taste. I'm hoping they serve it tonight at the conference dinner.
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