Friday, July 11, 2008

The Parousia that Wasn't

Whoever thought that a global rollout and subsequent simultaneous activation of a network appliance (basically what the 3G iPhone and other "smartphones" are becoming) was a good idea, must never have heard of a Denial Of Service, or DOS, attack. In this case, it appears to be self-inflicted! The 3G iPhone's second coming didn't quite materialize as depicted in the above framegrab from Jib Jab's 2007 animated skit In 2007 (one of my favorite Jib Jab clips, which interestingly enough could very well be about 2008; not much seems to have changed, although I can't wait to see what Jib Jab makes of the 2008 election). Instead, numerous problems have sprung up and have already been documented on the web, ranging from activation errors, software glitches, and other gripes. D'oh!

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