The pic is back from our gig on July 7th. Right in the middle of a heat wave, when it went up to 98F. If I look like I'm trying to concentrate, I was. I don't know whether it was the heat, the Gretsch drums, or something else or a combination of factors, but I was not having a good first set. I think it played ok, but I know I made a couple of flubs here and there. I pulled out my old Gretsch drums but I haven't played on them in a very long time. Lately I've been playing on the Tama rockstar kit I traded for my old Pintech electronic set. I like the Tama's larger toms and I think its compactness—one less floor tom. The Gretsch kit has two floor toms and maybe because of that seems more spread out. I remember missing the right crash symbol because it was out of my immediate reach (had to stretch for it). So after the gig I transferred the bass drum's resonant head (with the band name on it) onto the Tama kit and bagged the Tama kit. I don't think I'll be using the Gretsch kit any more, so it may be time to start looking for a new owner for that kit. Right during setup I busted a resonant head on the small 10" sounded kinda crappy the rest of the night, another reason for a lackluster first set...once I got into the habit of going for the second tom, and the temperature went down, the second set was much better.
1 hour ago
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