On Monday I went down to San Marcos to visit a colleague of mine at Texas State University. He invited me to give a talk, we discussed our collaborative grant proposal that we're working on, and he showed me this informative book by Leigh and Zee on the Neurology of Eye Movements (4th ed.). Fascinating stuff, will have to see if our library has it and/or inquire with the publisher about a desk copy for my eye tracking class.
Later on that evening we went out with our Hoodoo Hounds front man to the Beowulf Bash. The Hounds' lead singer and guitar player is a prof at Clemson researching parallel virtual file systems, and it sounds like he's been working on computer clusters since their inception. The Beowulf Bash is an annual get together of these researchers at the SC conference that he started. This year the Bash was at a dueling piano bar place. Every so often the piano players would ask people to get up on stage and perform some well-known number like the all-time favorite chicken dance.
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